Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Manga, Was Not Was, Wallace and Grommit, Peace Not Woar!, Albert Hall, Bristol

Er, damn, it's been more than a week since my last post and I can't remember what I've been up to. That was the whole point of this blog!

Ok, now I've checked my text messages for the last week and that was enough to remind me.

Monday 24/10/05 - went to the International Manga & Anime Festival (IMAF) at County Hall with Alice. Unfortunately all the exhibits had closed by the time we got there so we just watched a few random and not madly impressive short films in a crazy chamber laid out like some sort of posh courtroom then went to the pub.

Tues 25/10 - Took advantage of some tickets I'd won to go and see a band called Was Not Was at the Jazz Café with Ellen. Very cool band, reminded me of Tower of Power a few days before in that they could play brilliantly, had the funk to get people moving, and were definitely not afraid to have a laugh at the same time.

Wed 26/10 - Saw the new Wallace and Grommit film at the Ritzy with Jo, Steve, Carmel, Dave and his little brother who's name I've forgotten. Great film with some brilliant jokes . "Fun for all the family" as they say. Went to The Effra for a couple of Red Stripes and a bit of jazz afterwards.

Thurs 27/10 - Peace and Woar! Tom's night at the South London Pacific. This was the night I'd been helping out with the music for. I blatantly had the best costume - just check the photo above. It was even better with my war paint on and a machine gun in my hand. The night was cracking - lots of eccentric performances and a good laugh was had by all. Unfortunately it could've done with quite a few more people turning up and Tom lost a fair bit of money on it but everyone definitely enjoyed themselves. More photos here.

Fri 28/10 - Went out with Sam to the Albert Hall as he'd been given tickets to see The Hollies - good musicians but very middle of the road tunes and an audience made up about 90% by my parents generation wobbling away. Pretty cool to see something in the Albert Hall though. Afterwards we went to the Jazz Café as I'd won more tickets. Missed the main act but caught some dude called J-Live and his DJ dropping some decent live hip hop. Then went to go to Sunset Strip, the seedy looking strip joint next to my work. Unfortunately it was shut by the time we got there so we just headed back to mine and had a go at the champagne Tom had left the night before which made me too drunk to speak.

Sat 29/10 - went down to Bristol, mainly to see Tegan for the first time since she went away to Oz. Went for some mexican at El Compadre with her, Matt, Tubs and Si which was really nice. Afterwards we went for a drink at the Tinto Lounge then headed back to Matt and Tubs' and got mash up. Unfortunately Teg's boyfriand was a dick to her on the phone and killed her mood for partying but Carl turned up and, after Matt had passed out on the kitchen floor, we all went and carried on at Si's. This went on until 7:30am when Si and I went and blagged the offy into selling us a bottle of vodka then Si passed out while I watched 21 Grams, the best film I've seen for ages.

Sun 30/10 - Gouged round Si and Carl's for most of the afternoon. Matt and Tubs came round, we headed round to theirs for a bit then Chloe came up and I went and checked out her new house very briefly before catching the Megawak back to nodnoL.

Mon 31/10 - A very dull day. Worked all day then sat in front of the tv all evening. Unfortunately I'm proper fooked for cash this month so I think it will be like that a lot for the next few weeks!

Tues 1/11 - Went to the doctors about my ever so slightly gammy foot in the morning, had lunch with Ellen in Golden Square, then met up with Tubs who was up for a training course in the evening. With a little bit of work in between. Tubs coming up was a bit of a random surprise. We went for a wander round some shops in Soho so I could unsuccessfully look for some trainers then we had some dinner at the little Italian on Old Compton Street.


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