Monday, December 12, 2005

Xmas party, Prodigy, Mobile Clubbing, K*nt and the Gang, Chemical Brothers, Narnia

Fri 2/12 - Had our work Christmas Party at the Soho Hotel. 'Twas a fairly lavish affair. Even if the wall paper in some of the rooms reminded me somewhat of The Shining. Or maybe that was our beloved MD. We had a very nice dinner followed by some fairly bullshit speeches then all opened the secret santa presents we'd bought each other. The most popular of which was a long cane that someone had bought for Flip. We moved into the dimly lit Moroccan style bar next to the dining room and much caning ensued!

I left relatively early before everyone got too hammered and it got too boring and cliquey. I went to meet Toby and Karina who were up for the day as Karina had had an interview with Storm, the modelling agency. We went back to the hotel so I could scrounge them a free drink then went to one of the dingey little Spanish bars off Oxford Street. After a few tequilas we wandered around 'til we found a little Greek place where the entertainment was singing, dancing and an awful lot of plate smashing. Kate came and met us and I went back and crashed at hers.

Sat 3/12 - Met Toby and Karina again for a couple of lunchtime beers at The Lock Tavern in Camden. Had a wander round the market then left them to head home to chill out for a bit. A bunch of the regular London Monkeys came round for a few drinks before we headed off to see The Prodigy at Brixton Academy. Cracking night, mental moshpit, Audio Bullys and Pendulum supporting.

Sun 4/12 - Had to be at work at 9am! Only to let the builders in which wasn't too bad as they were two and a half hours late and I spent that time snoozing on the sofa and getting paid time and a half for it.

Mon 5/12 - Tubs was up for a training do so met up with her for lunch then again in the evening when me, her, Alice and Jo went to a crazy thing called Mobile Clubbing. Basically this is a flash mob, where somebody comes up with a crazy idea, advertises a time and place via the internet and a bunch of random people turn up and do it. The idea for this one was that people would be waiting on Villiers Street between Charing Cross Station and Embankment Station. At 18:47 (to be precise!) everyone would switch on some form of personal stereo and start dancing to whatever music they chose. It was hilarious!! There must have been about 100 of us all bopping away to different tunes. One guy was rocking out with an inflatable guitar, loads of passers by were looking bemused, some joined in, a load of chuckling drivers passed through. I changed tunes several times to keep it varied, switching it up with a bit of everything from Metallica to Burt Baccarach to De La Soul. Great laugh.

Tues 6/12 - Met Jiggy for a pint after work then Joe, Flip, and Andy came along and we went to a night called Tourettes at The Heavenly Social on Great Portland Street. This was to see an amazing act that Joe had told me about called Kunt and the Gang. Kunt is a bloke in some Y-fronted thermal underwear and his gang is a glove puppet called Little Kunt. They sing beautiful songs such as "Wank the Dog". Pretty wrong but hilarious!

Wed 7/12 - Night in!

Thurs 8/12 - Worked late, then went home and played Texas Hold 'Em with my housemates James and Gary.

Fri 9/12 - Few beers with work people in the Crown and Two Chairmen, the work local, then went home. Quietest Friday night in a long time!

Sat 10/12 - Lazed around the house all day then got a call from Caroline, arranged to meet her for a drink that evening when she randomly offered me a ticket to go and see the Chemical Brothers with her and her mate Kim at the Academy. Awesome tunes and a mental light show, my only slight niggle being they didn't play Sunshine Underground :-( Was gonna head to my old housemate, Ben's house party afterwards but I spoke to Gary who was on his way back from it and said it was fizzling out so I gave it a miss and we just went back to ours and got mash-up there instead.

Sun 11/12 - Had a rehearsal for Tom's next "Director's Half Cut" night, which all went very smoothly. Met up with Alice in the evening and went to see The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at The Ritzy. Thoroughly enjoyed it, found it quite moving - felt like I was gonna cry about half a dozen times throughout the movie. The only worrying thing about it was that Mr. Tumnus came across as a bit paedo!


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