House Party, Norton, Constant Gardener, Pillow Fight Club, King Kong
Sat 17/12 - Had a big house party at ours. The turnout was a little disappointing, nobody came up from out of town and a bunch of the people who'd been out the night before were too lightweight to party again but there were still enough people to have a good craic. We kitted the flat out with a whole bunch of decorations, set Nadine's decks up in the front room and made a vat of mulled wine that was pretty horrible but people still drunk it!
Sun 18/12 - The party went on 'til well into daylight the next day when Tristan, boyfriend of Gary's mate Karen, suggested we head on to a club in London Bridge. It took us a while to find the place which was called Jack's Club. They had some sort of filthy Psy-trance night on. I was finding it quite amusing at first, the level of filth and munted people all around, but after a couple of hours of listening to what seemed to be the same thumping tune it got a bit much so I made a move home. Spent the rest of the day lounging around and watched Bad Santa in three parts because I kept dozing off.
Mon 19/12 - After a rather dazed day at work I turned down René's offer of going to see a preview of the new Woody Allen film, Match Point, with a q&a by Allen and Scarlett Johansen afterwards. Instead Nadine and I went round to Alice's for some mulled wine and nibbles as Vicky was visiting and Alice had invited a load of her old uni mates round. After a little while Nadine and I shot off, met up with Ellen, and went and saw my colleague Adam's band Norton at The Borderline. They were pretty good. Unfortunately, Adam's recently been sacked, apparently because he doesn't smile enough and therefore wouldn't be engineer material! I think it more likely that it was just because our MD, Ebbs, had taken a seemingly irrational dislike to him.
Tues 20/12 - Just went for a couple of drinks with Tim, Dan, Nick, Laura, and Anthony at The Lounge.
Wed 21/12 - Another fun (!) day at work then a busy evening. Tim helped me drive the decks back round to Nadine's then went and met up with Tom for a very quick Yaki Soba at Fujiyama's. After that headed to The Ritzy to watch The Constant Gardener, very good film about how big pharmaceutical companies use African tribespeople to test dodgy drugs on. Unfortunately I had to have a little snooze in the middle of the film as usual but, you know, I got the gist of it! After the film Aaron met us in the foyer and we went for a couple of pints in The Prince. Tom mentioned he may be off to Cuba for a couple of weeks in the new year and I got to thinking that I may join him.
Thurs 22/12 - Had the afternoon off work to head back to the dentist for more pain! She reckons I should have two wisdom teeth out. The choice is, get it done for free at Guys hospital by students or pay to get it done by pro's - with anaesthetic! - at another hospital. The problem is my last dentist x-rayed my jaw and showed me that the roots of my wisdom teeth go off at right angles in my gums, meaning it'll be a messy process to extract them. Might go for the anaesthetic option! The dentist also suggested I let her refer me to a specialist who may be able to operate on my jaw. Can't make up my mind. The option of being able to eat and speak better is definitely tempting but involves fairly major surgery and a whole lot of metal work in my mouth for a long time. What to do!? Maybe Canada has better (and possibly free!) dental care. Gotta look into that.
Apart from that, the evening was awesome. Jiggy came round 'cos I'd recorded a Radio 3 program off the BBC website's "Listen Again" section for him. It was a recording of a Carol Service at St. John's Chapel in Oxford that his Dad's girlfriend's son had sung in. Will doesn't like her too much so I think it was a good way of getting her a pretty novel present without actually spending any money on her!
We went for a quick pint then I headed off to Covent Garden to meet Alice, Vicky, Caroline, Kim and a couple of their mates for Pillow Fight Club!! There must have been about 200+ people who responded to emails sent out by some random nutters who organise these things every now and then. Everyone turned up at Covent Garden Plaza with a pillow and at 18:47 precisely (again! see Mobile Clubbing post) everyone started battering the crap out of each other. It was hilarious! I had taken a pillow and acquired another one off the floor and felt like someone out of Braveheart or some such film, trudging through the battlefield, taking out anyone in my way!As we were leaving I hit Alice then realised my pillow must have touched the floor and brushed through something that smelt like tramp! Cue much whingeing from her for the rest of the evening.
We headed back to Brixton to meet up with Nadine, Donna and Ed to watch the new King Kong remake. Awesome film! Starts off slowly then builds into a complete rollercoaster of a movie with the heroic posse getting attacked from all sides by the craziest CG monsters imaginable. Thought the crazy tribal people that try and sacrifice the heroine to Kong were a bit of a dodgy racial typecast, but maybe that was just me. Great film though, I even managed to stay awake through all 3 hours of it (with the help of a couple of Pro Plus)!
Sun 18/12 - The party went on 'til well into daylight the next day when Tristan, boyfriend of Gary's mate Karen, suggested we head on to a club in London Bridge. It took us a while to find the place which was called Jack's Club. They had some sort of filthy Psy-trance night on. I was finding it quite amusing at first, the level of filth and munted people all around, but after a couple of hours of listening to what seemed to be the same thumping tune it got a bit much so I made a move home. Spent the rest of the day lounging around and watched Bad Santa in three parts because I kept dozing off.
Mon 19/12 - After a rather dazed day at work I turned down René's offer of going to see a preview of the new Woody Allen film, Match Point, with a q&a by Allen and Scarlett Johansen afterwards. Instead Nadine and I went round to Alice's for some mulled wine and nibbles as Vicky was visiting and Alice had invited a load of her old uni mates round. After a little while Nadine and I shot off, met up with Ellen, and went and saw my colleague Adam's band Norton at The Borderline. They were pretty good. Unfortunately, Adam's recently been sacked, apparently because he doesn't smile enough and therefore wouldn't be engineer material! I think it more likely that it was just because our MD, Ebbs, had taken a seemingly irrational dislike to him.
Tues 20/12 - Just went for a couple of drinks with Tim, Dan, Nick, Laura, and Anthony at The Lounge.
Wed 21/12 - Another fun (!) day at work then a busy evening. Tim helped me drive the decks back round to Nadine's then went and met up with Tom for a very quick Yaki Soba at Fujiyama's. After that headed to The Ritzy to watch The Constant Gardener, very good film about how big pharmaceutical companies use African tribespeople to test dodgy drugs on. Unfortunately I had to have a little snooze in the middle of the film as usual but, you know, I got the gist of it! After the film Aaron met us in the foyer and we went for a couple of pints in The Prince. Tom mentioned he may be off to Cuba for a couple of weeks in the new year and I got to thinking that I may join him.
Thurs 22/12 - Had the afternoon off work to head back to the dentist for more pain! She reckons I should have two wisdom teeth out. The choice is, get it done for free at Guys hospital by students or pay to get it done by pro's - with anaesthetic! - at another hospital. The problem is my last dentist x-rayed my jaw and showed me that the roots of my wisdom teeth go off at right angles in my gums, meaning it'll be a messy process to extract them. Might go for the anaesthetic option! The dentist also suggested I let her refer me to a specialist who may be able to operate on my jaw. Can't make up my mind. The option of being able to eat and speak better is definitely tempting but involves fairly major surgery and a whole lot of metal work in my mouth for a long time. What to do!? Maybe Canada has better (and possibly free!) dental care. Gotta look into that.
Apart from that, the evening was awesome. Jiggy came round 'cos I'd recorded a Radio 3 program off the BBC website's "Listen Again" section for him. It was a recording of a Carol Service at St. John's Chapel in Oxford that his Dad's girlfriend's son had sung in. Will doesn't like her too much so I think it was a good way of getting her a pretty novel present without actually spending any money on her!
We went for a quick pint then I headed off to Covent Garden to meet Alice, Vicky, Caroline, Kim and a couple of their mates for Pillow Fight Club!! There must have been about 200+ people who responded to emails sent out by some random nutters who organise these things every now and then. Everyone turned up at Covent Garden Plaza with a pillow and at 18:47 precisely (again! see Mobile Clubbing post) everyone started battering the crap out of each other. It was hilarious! I had taken a pillow and acquired another one off the floor and felt like someone out of Braveheart or some such film, trudging through the battlefield, taking out anyone in my way!As we were leaving I hit Alice then realised my pillow must have touched the floor and brushed through something that smelt like tramp! Cue much whingeing from her for the rest of the evening.
We headed back to Brixton to meet up with Nadine, Donna and Ed to watch the new King Kong remake. Awesome film! Starts off slowly then builds into a complete rollercoaster of a movie with the heroic posse getting attacked from all sides by the craziest CG monsters imaginable. Thought the crazy tribal people that try and sacrifice the heroine to Kong were a bit of a dodgy racial typecast, but maybe that was just me. Great film though, I even managed to stay awake through all 3 hours of it (with the help of a couple of Pro Plus)!