Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ludes, March of the Penguins, Director's Half Cut, Fatboy Slim

Mon 12/12 - After work, met up with me old mucka Eveleigh and just sat in a pub off Oxford Street, catching up.

Tues 13/12 - Been feeling knackered and like I haven't had any time to myself so took the day off work to have a rest and try and do lots of proactive stuff, such as scan the jobs websites for better paid positions and fill out my damned Tax Return. As is always the way though, the day flashed past before I'd noticed it, with me achieving very little except recording off a bunch of the vinyl Tom had given me for The Director's Half Cut on Thursday. I was also bastardising a version of the Queen's Christmas speech from I think 1973, the year it was first televised. I was rearranging it so she said rude things (hope that's not treason!) and cutting it up with The Sex Pistols' "God Save The Queen". In the evening I met Will and we went to see a band called The Ludes at The 100 Club on Oxford Street. Will had wanted to check the venue out 'cos he was thinking about going there for New Years Eve with Jen. He decided against it though as the whole place felt far too much like a pikey student union bar. The Ludes were wicked though, I think they could go far.

Wed 14/12 - Met up with Rupe again and went to see March of the Penguins with Kelly, an old uni friend of his, at The Screen On The Green, a really nice little one-screen cinema in Islington.

Thurs 15/12 - Tonight was Tom's night, The Director's Half Cut at the South London Pacific bar again. This time the theme was Christmas! Humbug! Once again the little fancy dress shop on Berwick Street sorted me out with a pretty good costume. I had a black PVC Santa suit with "Bah Humbug!" written across the furry band round the hat. It wasn't as good as my Rambo costume last time though, especially since the trousers were very sweaty and constantly fell down. The night went ok. I was doing the music and sound effects for the theatrical parts again. There were more people there than last time but quite a lot of them were students on the piss who had no interest in the performance stuff and just wanted to dance.

Fri 16/12 - Went to see Fatboy Slim at Brixton Academy. Phat night. A load of peeps came round for a few drinks beforehand. The whole gig was in 'Palookavision' which meant everyone was given some crazy glasses on the way in that made holographic smiley faces appear around any bright point of light. Fatboy's DJ booth was a giant video wall, at least 20ft square, with the centre section recessed and that's where the decks are so as he's playing he's got all these crazy graphics moving all around and behind him. All of this, together with Fatboy dropping all the usual big tunes, made for quite a show.


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