Thursday, January 19, 2006

Spanish classes, Sam's award, George's voice tape

Wed 18/1 - Went to my second Spanish class (countries and numbers today), went home, wrote up my Spanish notes, went to bed. Woah! What a crazy day!

Thurs 19/1 - Gave blood in the afternoon at my local donation centre just off Oxford Street. They actually let me donate this time as I wasn't hung over like last week! That evening I went to my third Spanish lesson (More numbers and phrases relating to booking a hotel room), then went for a few drinks with some of the guys from the course which was nice. Was expecting to get very hammered very easily as I was a pint of blood down but seemed to be ok!

Fri 20/1 - Crazy news today about a whale that had got very lost and was swimming up the Thames!
Was a little hungover, possibly due to giving blood yesterday. Had an average day at work then went for a few drinks in the Slug and Lettuce with work peeps then went and met Alice and three of her old nursing colleagues on Tottenham Court Road. From there, Alice and I headed to Koko, a big club/live music venue which used to be known as Camden Palace. They were holding a club night run by the music magazine NME at which there were rumours that the band of the moment, The Arctic Monkeys, were supposed to be playing as special surprise guests. Will, who recently started at work as a runner, and his girlfriend Emma (think that was her name?) were there as well. Unfortunately the rumours were unfounded, an ok band called Secret Machine played instead, but it was still a pretty good night.

Sat 21/1 - Stayed at Alice's and headed straight from there into work. Spent 10 hours rewiring a load of equipment in Jungle transfer. Was planning to head to a house party held by Adam, another runner who got fired for "not smiling enough"! I didn't get home 'til 9:45 though and by the time I'd eaten and showered it was midnight and I was too knackered to face the hour and a quarter journey up to Hackney so just stayed in and got that horrible 'missing out on a Saturday night' feeling.

Sun 22/1 - Was woken up by Sam who won an award last night for Nat West Area Manager of the Year or some such bollocks. He was deservedly well chuffed and it means he's going to Athens for some massive award ceremony/piss up at the end of March. As usual he was on a "Get up! Let's get pissed!" tip and he turned up shortly afterwards with his ex-boss Julie. We had a couple of beers at the house then headed to The Effra. Sam's misses, Jo, turned up later and we all proceeded to get quite smashed which culminated in us doing handstands up the wall off the pub then throwing food at each other in Fujiyama's. I had made plans to go and see the last day of the Turner Prize exhibition at the Tate Britain but they obviously went out the window. That evening I rinsed out James and Gary at Texas Hold 'Em for the first time then blew my winnings on vodka.

Mon 23/1 - Average day at work but in the evening my old school mate, George Saunders-Singer turned up to record a voice tape. I'd seen that he'd updated his profile on Friends Reunited recently and he'd added that he'd started doing voiceover work. I'm keen to learn how to actually use the studios rather than just maintain them so invited him down to record a free voice tape. A voice tape is basically a demo tape for voiceover artists, normally they are charged £200 for the privilege but as I'm learning and George is a mate I said I'd do him a freebie. We did 99 takes over seven different adverts. Can't wait to edit that lot down! When I left there I bumped into another of the runners, Andy, on Oxford Street and we went for a pint. We passed Dubbs, another post-production house where Ellen works and saw her sat drinking with some of her colleagues so dragged her along too.